2022 School Trips

The thought of organizing a faculty trip to China might be daunting, but The Learning Adventure is here to help. We specialize in bespoke, subject-orientated trips across China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, and our team of experts strives to provide you with the perfect faculty trip tailored to your needs. We’ve narrowed down all the highlights of all of our China trips to show you our top 5 experiences.


Educational travel has taken something of a hit in the last year but we do believe that it will soon return and we are already excited about the prospect of providing transformative travel experiences, for young people. We have a whole series of destinations which will hopefully play host to a whole series of 2022 school trips. Whether, it’s a cultural discovery journey, a language immersion experience or a tech-focused tour of pioneering business- we have a whole load of options for you. Teachers have done a miraculous job in keeping students educated over the COVID period but hopefully getting outside the classroom will help really supplement the learning.

Professional insights

We often arrange trips to business and gives students the chance to question professionals working in certain fields. In our UK trips we can arrange visits to a whole series of start up companies including ecollective. This is a start up focusing on advising travel and retail companies on their sustainability efforts. It’s a great chance for young people to see what working is really like and to gain a sense of the myriad of opportunities there are out there.

Throughout Asia, we have arranged visits to big corporations, factories and small companies. Recently, we had a whole series of students sit down with some of the management team at AliBaba and gain an insight into the corporate culture there as well as a visit of a working IKEA Factory. Given how little face to face interaction there has recently been – this is a great way to start building up some key professional skills again! Our Japan  and Korea school trips are packed full with some fascinating visits to tech companies. We would definitely advise getting in a couple of company visits on any 2022 school trip.

Outdoor Fun

Let’s face it- most people in 2020 and early 2021 have spent way too long inside staring at the same rooms. Our worlds have all got smaller with border closures and lockdowns and the allure and magic of the great outdoors is arguably more appealing than ever. On our 2022 school trips, we can offer a whole series of outdoor adventures. Even if the trip has a different academic focus – it’s often a great idea to take a day to go hiking. In Japan- we do some stunning walks around the mountainous majesty of Hakone under the shadow of Mt Fuji. In China, there’s walks along the Great Wall whilst our European school trips are also packed full of opportunities for day hikes.

Nepal School Trips & Tours

Meeting new people

One of the many sad things about the pandemic has been that it has limited young people’s chances to meet with people from different backgrounds. On our trips – we often arrange school visits. On these – students will spend a day at another school and gain an insight into what it is like being educated in another country. Often, we will have a handful of shared lessons and there is usually a welcoming ceremony. These events tend to both showcase the differences in the educational system and also the similarities that young people all share.

We have arranged a whole series of fantastic school visits throughout Asia- one of our favourite memories is an impromptu Anglo-Chinese sing-a-long at a school in Beijing. In Korea- our students can gain an understanding of the expectations for young people in terms of workload. We run a fantastic cultural exchange programme in Nepal where students can spend a great deal of time at a school. One of the best things about all these experiences is having young people make new friends and develop a broader cultural understanding.

If you fancy arranging a 2022 school trip then do get in touch! We have a whole series of tours across Asia and Europe. Every one of our tours can be tailor-made and we work with you to create an ideal trip for your students. What’s more – we have a robust COVID policy so students are both safe on the ground and your money is safe with us. Hopefully we’ll be curating a Learning Adventure for you very soon!

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Written by Alex

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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