Morocco Student School Trips

Morocco is a frequent choice of student trip destination among teachers who judge that their pupils are sufficiently familiar with mainland Europe to be ready to broaden their geographical and cultural horizons. 

In this regard, school trips to Morocco can represent a powerful “next step”, enabling students to engage with a rich and unique culture that combines Berber, Arab, French, and Spanish influences. 

Young people who do have the confidence to take on the challenge of student travel to Morocco, are rewarded with opportunities to explore the atmospheric souks of Marrakesh, investigate Berber towns such as Amizmiz in the foothills of the High Atlas, and marvel at the stunning Lalla Takerkoust lake. The latter, for instance, is the ideal place for geography students to find out more about how water is managed on a large scale in an arid climate.

Why we provide academic travel programs in Morocco:

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Amy Smith

Educational Specialist Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions

What subjects are Morocco school trips good for?

Morocco serves as an enchanting gateway to broader North Africa. Morocco student tours present young people with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the exotic and ancient vibe of this fascinating country in the Maghreb region, in ways that support their studies back home. 

You might be especially interested in arranging a school trip to Morocco for any geography students you are responsible for. Such pupils are likely to be greatly drawn to such potentially once-in-a-lifetime sights as the Sahara Desert and the High Atlas Mountains. 

However, there is also much more about Morocco student tours for teachers and students alike to get excited about. To help you extract the maximum potential of these Africa school trips for your class, our team here at The Learning Adventure can tailor every detail of your program in accordance with your learning objectives and practical needs.

Why is Morocco a good school trip destination?

With its ancient imperial cities, vibrant markets, evocative sand dunes, remote kasbahs, and walled medinas, Morocco embodies exoticism and wonder for visitors of all ages. 

It should be no great surprise, then, that Morocco has provided captivating backdrops for celebrated films and TV shows ranging from Game of Thrones to Indiana Jones

Our student tours in Morocco prioritise the aspects of this mystical, but also surprisingly affordable destination that lend themselves well to the fulfilment of academic goals. In this way, our Morocco school trips are true educational programs, rather than vacations. 

How can I book a trip?

To enquire, commitment-free, about how The Learning Adventure can help you organise an unforgettable, life-changing educational tour, complete our enquiry form and a member of our team will be in touch. To arrange a call or a visit to your school to talk further about any queries or questions you may have, find all our regional numbers on our website.

Can I customise the itinerary?

No two trips with us are ever the same. We tailor all our itineraries to your learning objectives and travel style. We cater to any programme, from service trips and cultural tours to subject-focused educational trips and faculty-led university programmes.

What is the standard of the accommodation?

We cater to all travel styles, from hostels to four-star hotels. Accommodation must meet our standards and students never share rooms with the public or opposite sex. Regardless of which accommodation you choose, teachers always have a private room.

What transportation is included?

Whether you choose private or public transportation, we use only reputable safe and trusted modes of transport.

What is the payment policy?

Our standard plan is 30% at booking, 30% three months before departure and the remaining 40% one month prior. However, we understand that every institution is different, so we endeavour to organise and arrange a payment plan that works for your group.

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