Since the exciting launch of our UK trips, last Tuesday saw the first ever school on their Business & Start-ups 1-day London trip. Our Business Studies programme introduces students to the world of start-ups, through opportunities to explore London’s financial hub and hear first-hand what it takes to set up a company. Read on to find out all about it.

Fearless Girl Statue


Walking tour of the financial district

The day began when we met the students at the steps of the grand St Pauls Cathedral, ready for a day of out the classroom learning. The first part of the trip was a walking tour of London’s business and financial hub where we stopped off at places such as the Bank of England, The Royal Exchange and Leadenhall Market. Along the way students were taught about the history of the buildings and markets. It was a new experience for many students to be walking around the financial district, seeing and learning about important landmarks and places they had not been before.

Walking tour of the financial hub


Brainstorming in a co-working space

After an interesting interactive walking tour around the city and a firm background knowledge of London’ business and financial hub, it was time to get more hands on and get students thinking innovatively. Students had the chance to enter a co-working breakout space and from there divided into groups to brainstorm ideas for their own start-up company. One of the groups came up with the exciting idea of starting a food delivering drone business, beating the traffic on the roads and being able to deliver to parks and rural locations. We had some brilliant ideas bouncing around the room.

Brainstorming start-up ideas in a co-working space


Talk and Q&A with Thevindu Edririsinghe

This next part of the trip was a highlight for most, the talk from a start-up. Today’s speaker was Thevindu Edririsinghe from Filli Studios. He spoke about the challenges and his experience of setting up a company, and what he did to get where he is today. The students gained valuable insight into the world of start-ups, and alongside the practical advice, Thevindu also stressed the importance of having confidence, and focusing on building a business around something that really interests you and not purely the money. This was a brilliant opportunity for the students to hear from such a young and successful entrepreneur and show them that anything is possible with some hard work.

Talk and Q&A with Thevindu Edririsinghe


Lunch at the Old Spitalfields Market

After a short walk to the Old Spitalfields Market students were more than ready to settle down and tuck into their food/packed lunches in the open outdoor space.

Old Spitafields Market



Pitching ideas for start-ups at the Barbican

Next, it was time to explore the Barbican, a world class arts centre. Students regrouped and fine-tuned their ideas based on the day’s experience. Finally ending the day with pitches from each group on their product and their plan for how they would fund it. The best start-up idea was voted by the students and the winners received their prizes.

Winners for the best start-up pitch



Time to head home. A successful and inspiring day for all.

The students walking around London with our flag

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Written by Faye Crouch

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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