4 Educational experiences you’ll gain from a trip to Thailand

The thought of organizing a faculty trip to China might be daunting, but The Learning Adventure is here to help. We specialize in bespoke, subject-orientated trips across China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, and our team of experts strives to provide you with the perfect faculty trip tailored to your needs. We’ve narrowed down all the highlights of all of our China trips to show you our top 5 experiences.

Faye Crouch

Thailand is known for its stunning beaches and beautiful temples, but what does Thailand have to offer in an educational context? Here’s 4 things your students could learn from educational travel to Thailand.


When you take a trip to one of Thailand’s many beautiful Temples you are visiting a place that is an essential part of Thai life. People will go to the temples during Buddhist holidays, important festivals, birthdays, marriage ceremonies and funerals. They go there to pray to the Buddha for things such as good health, good fortune and wealth and to seek advice from monks.

Most of the population in Thailand is Buddhist and it is believed that Buddhism was introduced to Thailand 2,200 years ago, which is why there are tens of thousands of Buddhist temples. There’s so much to learn and experience from visiting a Temple, also called a ‘Wat”.

On our trip you get to visit the city’s most iconic Doi Suthep Temple and get an introduction into Thailand’s distinct Buddhist culture. As well as being a place of spiritual and social importance, temples are architecturally stunning, ornately decorated and colourful. Which is why, on our trip you also get to climb the steps of the stupas at Wat Chedi Luang in Chiang Mai and explore its beautiful courtyards.

Culture and Entertainment

Thailand has a history of traditional folk dance and music performance. There is a total of six different forms of Thai dance: the khon, li-khe, ram wong, shadow puppetry, lakhon lek, and lakhon. The traditional folk dances in Thailand have roots in indigenous tribal cultures along with colonial influences from Burma and Indonesia. One of the main aspects of this dance performance is how graceful the choreography is and the impressive and detailed costumes worn by the performers.

On the first night of our trip you get the opportunity to watch a traditional folk dance and music performance.

Environment and Ethics

Thailand is no doubt an elephant country. These majestic animals were in the past, trained and worked in the lumber industry and on public works. These days, the elephants are given a much better life in sanctuaries in the Chiang Mai region. Visiting these sanctuaries gives you the chance to learn about how attitudes have changed towards the treatment of elephants in Thailand and how sanctuaries there are trying to improve their lives.

On our trip you get to travel outside the city to the heart of Chiang Mai’s countryside to begin a one-day service project working with elephants. You’ll learn about the history of the sanctuary, take on a variety of tasks, including feeding, playing, bathing and interacting with the elephants.

Business and Sustainability

Thailand’s Chiang Mai is home to the eco-tourism attraction, the Elephant Poo Poo Paper Factory. They make paper products from elephant poop fibres. Visiting the factory gives you an insight on how paper is made in a sustainable way, and will introduce you to the long and rich history of traditional paper-making and handicrafts production.

On our trip you take a visit to the factory and find out why the paper is so environmentally friendly and watch how it’s made.

Interested in booking one of our Asia trips school trips? From complete culture tours to subject-focused trips to specific curriculum-based itineraries, we’ve got you covered. Find out more about what The Learning Adventure can do for you by downloading our latest brochure below, emailing us at [email protected], or speak to a specialist through the chat box!

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Written by Faye Crouch

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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