Why Study Abroad is Essential for Today’s STEM Students

Alisa Shimoyama

The rigorous course of study for science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees and high school qualifications can make taking a semester abroad near impossible. However, through taking your students on a short-term faculty-led program, you can provide them with a powerful supplement to their lecture theatre learning, giving them that additional edge in today’s competitive job market. Technological advancements have led to a rise in multi-national companies, organizations, and research, and the demand for internationally competent STEM professionals is growing by the day. Faculty-led programs and educational tours opens your students’ eyes to another country’s technological advancements, the need for global research, and helps to develop their soft skills.

Consider economic, political & environmental factors that influence STEM innovation

Although STEM subjects transcend boundaries, and the international research community shares its findings, different countries do have varied approaches to scientific solutions. These differences are often due to economic, political, and environmental factors. For example, efforts to combat climate change in New York City will differ to those of a small fishing village in Japan. Through seeing real-life applications of STEM that they may not be used to, students are inspired to think of innovative ways their learning could benefit the global community.

Discover a different ecosystem

Going to another country offers biology students the chance to study different flora and fauna than they are used to. For example, a high school tour or university program to Vietnam gives students the chance to conduct field studies on ecosystems in jungles.

Learn from technologically advanced countries

It is useful to study countries that have a small STEM research budget in order to encourage your students to think of creative solutions within the financial constraints. However, STEM academic travel can also be beneficial when students go to technologically advanced countries like Japan, China, South Korea, and the UK.

Students can learn why South Korea has the fastest data transfer speeds in the world through visiting a telecom company. Engineering majors could head to the Cyberdyne robotics lab in Tsukuba Science City, a research and education center in Tokyo. Here, they have the opportunity to quiz leading engineers and interact with robots in development. This is a great way to inspire students to think innovatively about solutions to real-life problems – Cyberdyne is currently working on a cyborg exoskeleton, designed to aid medical patients with mobility issues.

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Written by Alisa Shimoyama

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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