Packing for a School Trip to Japan

Packing for a school trip can be tricky, especially if your itinerary includes multiple locations. We’ve compiled a list of essential items, plus some extras that will help you make the most out of your trip to Japan with us. We recommend bringing a lightweight suitcase or large backpack as your main bag, plus a smaller day-pack to bring with you on excursions and to use as hand luggage. Remember that your trip may involve carrying your luggage on public transport, so avoid overly cumbersome luggage and don’t over-pack.


Packing for a school trip can be tricky, especially if your itinerary includes multiple locations. We’ve compiled a list of essential items plus some extras that will help you make the most out of your trip to Japan with us. We recommend bringing a lightweight suitcase or large backpack as your main bag, plus a smaller day-pack to bring with you on excursions and to use as hand luggage. Remember that your trip may involve carrying your luggage on public transport, so avoid overly cumbersome luggage and don’t over-pack.

Hand luggage


Passport – make sure it’s in date and valid for the duration of your stay in Japan; tourists travelling from the UK to Japan do not need to acquire a visa.*

Emergency contact details

Japanese Yen

*Please check here to see if Japan requires residents your country to have a visa before travelling.


Entertainment – books, games etc.

Cosy socks

Sleeping mask


Tooth brush and tooth paste

Lip balm

Jumper or sweatshirt


Checked luggage



 Sun cream – essential in the summer months when temperatures often rise above 30 ºC.

Moisturiser – particularly handy during the winter months, which tend to be cold and dry.

Medication – If you take regular medication, make sure you bring it with you, along with a list of all the medication you take.

Deodorant and tampons/sanitary pads – in Japan the information on the packaging of these items will be written in Japanese, so it is best to bring your own supply.

Shaving kit



Japan has four distinct seasons with cold, dry winters and hot, humid summers. The rainy season typically takes place in June and July.  Before your trip, be sure to check the weather and temperature forecast so that you can pack accordingly.

 We recommend packing the following:

  • Flat, comfortable shoes
  • Jeans/trousers or shorts/skirts for the summer months
  • Towel
  • T-shirts
  • Jumpers/cardigans for the winter months
  • Sunglasses
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Umbrella
  • Swimming costume (if applicable)
  • Gloves/scarf/hat for the winter months
  • Thick coat or jacket for the winter months


Japan has an exceptionally low crime rate and so having your electronic items stolen is very unlikely. However, it’s always worth being cautious and taking good care of any valuables you bring with you. When you pack for your trip, bring any valuable essentials in your hand luggage, rather than the bag you intend to check in.

  • Travel adaptors – you will need to purchase adaptors compatible with Japanese plug sockets
  • Chargers – remember your phone/camera chargers
  • Camera


  • Study materials (if applicable)
  • Pocket-sized Japanese phrase book
  • Souvenirs, omiyage for host family or Japanese students if your trip includes a homestay or school visit

Packing tips

  • Roll, don’t fold your clothes – you will be able to pack more, and your clothes will be less creased
  • Pack clothes that can be layered – this will enable you to adapt to different weather conditions
  • Leave a bit of room in your bag so that you can bring home some souvenirs

Want to organise your own school trip to Japan? Take a look at our school trips or download our latest brochure below. Or get in contact with one of our specialists today by emailing [email protected].

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Written by LearningDev

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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