High school student travel spotlight: Japan

The thought of organizing a faculty trip to China might be daunting, but The Learning Adventure is here to help. We specialize in bespoke, subject-orientated trips across China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, and our team of experts strives to provide you with the perfect faculty trip tailored to your needs. We’ve narrowed down all the highlights of all of our China trips to show you our top 5 experiences.

Megan Cronin

While studying abroad in college is a popular and important undertaking, we at The Learning Adventure believe experiencing new cultures is just as important in high school.

Education is no longer restricted to the traditional classroom, and providing students with new horizons in their formative high school years can bring new perspectives on what education means. Here are just some of the reasons why our faculty-led tours of Japan are perfect for high school students.

Historical Immersion

It’s one thing to read about history in a textbook, but walking into history is another feeling entirely. In Hiroshima, students experience the powerful perspective of standing in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome before making their way to the Hiroshima Memorial Peace Museum. There they  immerse themselves in the history of World War II and the events leading up to the bombing of Hiroshima, and learn what it means for the future of our world.

Modern Wonders

Students are tomorrow’s leaders, and Japan displays what tomorrow may look like just as well as it preserves its history. Exploring the electronic district of Akihabara, ordering meals using vending machines and riding the futuristic bullet trains, students experience not only the history of Japan, but see in action how far the country has launched into the future.

Cultural Awareness

Every future leader needs a healthy dose of empathy. By going abroad in high school, students gain valuable cultural awareness at a younger age than most. From practicing another language to learning religious customs at shrines, students engage with a different world than they’re used to. This helps foster their personal development and gives them an edge in their future careers, all while having an unforgettable life experience overseas!

Interested in booking a school trip to Japan? From complete culture tours to subject-focused trips, we’ve got you covered. Find out more about what The Learning Adventure can do for you by downloading our latest brochure below, emailing us at [email protected], or speaking to a specialist through the chat box!

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Written by Megan Cronin

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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