College Travel Abroad in Japan: Educational Tours for University Students

The thought of organizing a faculty trip to China might be daunting, but The Learning Adventure is here to help. We specialize in bespoke, subject-orientated trips across China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, and our team of experts strives to provide you with the perfect faculty trip tailored to your needs. We’ve narrowed down all the highlights of all of our China trips to show you our top 5 experiences.

Alisa Shimoyama

Japan’s the country on every college student’s bucket lists and for good reason. Japan’s culture has taken the West by storm, with J-pop and anime becoming mainstream. There are countless world-famous must-sees throughout the country too: Mount Fuji, Kyoto’s Golden Pavilion, Shibuya crossing… But Japan is also the country of fascinating biology, the tragic pasts of Fukushima and Hiroshima, and cutting-edge modern art. This means that, if you’re looking for college travel abroad, Japan is the ideal place with programs designed to complement university courses.

For Computer Science Students Looking for a Program Abroad

artificial intelligence
  • The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation

Check out the Android exhibition, where world leaders in AI ask what it means to be human and if robots could achieve it.

  • Toyota’s Mega Web Car Theme Park

Learn about hybrid technology and the environmental challenges modern car manufacturers face.

  • Sony Explora Science

Explore this household name’s coolest new technology, like augmented reality, sensors and face recognition.

For Film Students Wanting College-Level Study in Japan


Take a guided tour and get inspired by the people at the forefront of their industry.

Catch an animated film by an up and coming director

For Art Students to Discover Japan’s Art World

  • Studio of calligraphy artist Koshun Masunaga

Learn all about her creative process and participate in a calligraphy lesson.

Discover Japan’s best contemporary art and architecture. A lot of the exhibitions are political – a past exhibition was Catastrophe and the Power of Art, responding to Japan’s historic tragedies.

This is the architect Tadao Ando and the designer Issey Miyake’s forward-thinking design museum.

For Environmental Science Students Looking to Complement Their Degree Abroad

  • Trout farm with a micro hydropower site

See how locals use the water from Mt. Fuji in a renewable energy system.

  • Aquaculture Farm

Discover how this farm has developed sustainable methods to farm oysters and scallops.

  • Fukushima Daichi Power Plant

Tour the risk-free area around the plant that suffered a nuclear meltdown after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

All activities mentioned are available on The Learning Adventure’s college trips in Japan. We fully customise our itineraries to your college’s courses and goals. Email us at [email protected] or speak to a member of our specialist team through the chat box!

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Written by Alisa Shimoyama

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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