For students of French, there is no better way to learn the language than a school trip to l’Hexagone itself. And there are no two destinations better suited to offering full immersion into the language than Paris, and Lyon. From the capital and home to the second oldest university in Western Europe to the heart of the French Resistance movement and a buzzing city, find out what your students can learn through a language trip to France.


Visit the Académie Française

If your students are already tackling Molière, they will have seen how the French language has avoided evolving as much as English has. This is due to the influence of the Académie Française, the home of the first French dictionary, which students can visit to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the existence of such an institution, which must make difficult decisions and juggle tradition with modernisation.

Visit the Sorbonne and receive a lecture by a professor

Help students get their first taste of university in one of Paris’s top-rated institutions and hear a lecture on a subject of your choice. Have a tour of the beautiful buildings of the university and picture students following in the footsteps of Marie Curie, Roland Barthes or Simone de Beauvoir.

Sorbonne University, Paris

Hear a political debate between a Gilet Jaune and an En Marche youth member

Give your students an exclusive, up-to-date look into French politics by hearing talks by both Gilet Jaune and En Marche supporters to find out who students agree with most.

Get involved in a UNESCO debate with 400 other French students

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, born from the League of Nations created after WW1, is a specialised agency contributing to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights. Twice a month, they hold debates so that young people can get their voices heard on these issues. Experience first-hand the French panache for riposte!

Learn slang

Bored with classroom French? Learn how to impress natives during a teuf (fête) with this lesson on French slang, and learn about the origins of verlan, the slang which now has a huge influence on the language of today – much to the dismay of language purists at the Académie Française.


Learn the vocabulary of food as you eat

The food vocabulary lessons can start on the train to Lyon, as students learn why this city, only a few hours away from Paris by train, is known as “le capital mondial de la gastronomie”. From la quenelle to la rosette – there’s more to this city than the bouchons Lyonnais – but a visit to these traditional restaurants are a great way to start.

Hear from a journalist at ‘Le Progrès’ newspaper

Are your students interested in journalism? Visit the printing room of this regional daily newspaper during your school trip to Lyon and hear about what it’s like to be a French news reporter.

Le Progrès, Lyon

Lessons in a language school

Intensive lessons in a language school are perfect for any educational trip to France. Tailor-made lessons for a variety of levels will help students brush up their subjonctif in no time.

Take an improv class in French

Are your students feeling confident? Test out their acting skills with a class on how to do improv in French – a real boon for improving spontaneity and fluency in time for their oral exams.

Get involved in a debate at the Café de la Cloche

If your students are raring for another debate, head to the Café de la Cloche – a centuries-old café famous for inviting people from all walks of life to speak and for debates to ensue thanks to its intimate layout.

Interested in booking our French language school trip, or browsing our other French itineraries? Our itineraries are all customizable and can be tailored to meet your specific educational requirements. Want to find out more? Email us at [email protected], or speaking to a member of our specialist team through the chat box!

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Written by Nicole Wretham

Educational Tours Specialist

Educational Tours Specialist with more than 10 years of expertise organising enriching educational school trips.

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